Tuesday 22nd October 2024

5 Tips how to find a flat in Germany

So, you’ve made the decision to move to Germany – congrats! But now the daunting task of finding a place to live awaits. How do you even begin looking for a flat in Germany when you don’t know the language or where to start? Check out these 5 tips and you’ll be on your way to finding your perfect home away from home.

Be fast -don’t dawdle

If you want to find a place fast, don’t dawdle when looking for an apartment. There are thousands of people every day who start their hunt and end up leaving disappointed because they couldn’t secure one in time; as such there’s no room left on the market! Check daily – online or through newspaper listings-to make sure your desired location isn’t already taken before going any further with this process: if it doesn’t work out then move onto another prospect but at least know what kind of environment/location fit best so that next

Use social network – off- and online

The best way to find an apartment is by networking. Make sure you tell all of your friends and family about what type of housing situation that might be available in order for them not only keep their ears open but also suggest someone who could potentially take over if needed!

You can also use social networks to find an apartment. Tell everyone in your network that you are looking for a new place, on Facebook or Twitter and ask them if they know of any suitable units! If someone who has recently moved out moves back into their hometown then it might be worth letting this person recommend another landlord – just make sure he’s trustworthy first before taking his word alone as gospel truth

Be aware that you might have to compromise

Who doesn’t want the perfect apartment? A trendy location, awesome flat with a balcony and garden, or maybe an old building that has been renovated to include modern kitchens. But these things don’t come cheap!

Be prepared for compromises when you move into your next home-especially if it’s in one of the larger cities where space can often be at premium due high demand from residents seeking this type living arrangements; try not get too attached because there might just end up being less than what we expected after all.

Make an outstanding first impression

Landlords are bombarded with an endless number of applications every day.

It’s important to stand out from the crowd right off of your first contact with a potential landlord. Don’t just email them and hang up, because then they’ll be able to forget about you among all other candidates who called or wrote in! If there is supposed to be some kind of paper based inquiry (instead of telephone) make sure that it includes information on what makes YOU special, so someone will remember how great fit you are for the apartment.

Viewing appointment: Standing out from the crowd

So you did everything right, and now you are invited for a viewing. But don’t be surprised collective viewings are common in Germany.

Collective viewings, i.e. appointments on which not only you, but many interested parties are invited to view the apartment, are common. Be prepared for the fact that dozens of applicants are invited to the appointment with you. Again, make sure you draw attention to yourself – positively :).

It goes without saying that you should appear neat and clean to make a good impression. But that’s not enough. Try to strike up a conversation with the broker/landlord so that he or she can make a mental note of you. In the best case, you already have everything with you that the landlord needs: proof of income or employment contract, Schufa information, etc. Nowadays, landlords report of regular applicant portfolios of interested parties.

Popular website for finding flats and houses:





So these are my five top tips for finding a place in Germany. Do let me know about your experiences in the comments below and subscribe to my newsletter, so you don’t miss out future awesome content.

Happy hunting!

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